Those good souls return…
Those good souls return
to the quiet rooms of dream,
while those so self assured,
rigid like steel beams,
continue their perilous passages
on the edges of brittle blades.
Those good souls cannot hear
the sword unsheathed in clouds,
nor the sound of a child’s cheer
as blood flashes across their brow,
but they listen to the pledges
of those in line at the gates.
Those good souls asleep under soil
while we worry about the mud,
and worms feast on their spoils
savoring the taste of tongues,
but we would rather dig trenches
wherein men obliterate.
Those good souls wield an essence,
their reflection now lingering
in the basin full of clear water,
and the forest flushed with green,
and the sharpened knife slicing bread,
and the window of our dreams.
Death is just a breakthrough,
smashing the illusory glass,
and souls travel open roads
while we are stuck with ancient maps.
Those good souls, and what are we?
Nothing but tiny mice in wide meadows,
useless, scurrying, hiding under pebbles,
and you, the shrieking swoop
and the silent swift wing…